more and more people are taking to these routes

    Your letters to the Herts Advertiser
Traffic in St Albans
Alan Bunting's comments regarding council waste in his letter in the Herts Advertiser of November 3 are spot on.
St Albans district council has just spent much time and money in re laying the pavement alongside the now former Post Office in Station Road, Harpenden: it was a job well done but, within a few days, various paving stones were showing cracks due to the now national obsession of off road parking.
Many more have appeared since then.
It is Cheap nfl jerseys , of course, an unnecessary cost to council taxpayers but, crazy paving is often expensive. I also fainted and so the paramedics insisted on a full MOT but everything was fine Everyone was fantastic. Thank you.
Judging by the response this week to my cyclist's letter, I seem to have hit a rather large and particularly raw nerve.
Ouch but before you all congratulate yourselves on eliciting a counter from myself, please read on and learn, for the respondents were not so clever and clearly just responded to my name without thinking through the content of my words.
Firstly, Dr, I mean Stephen Honey (perhaps attracted to my mention of the word "wasps" in my letter) has likened me to several obscure and disparate historical characters.
To take them in turn: Henry Root's letters, would you know , have been cited by many as works of "pure genius," the Pub Landlord was a balding xenophobic whose raison d'tre is animosity towards the French and Germans, believing that anything the Brits do is better. I'm actually the complete opposite.
I have a glorious mane but personally think this country is finished rather than mainland Europe which is in sel destruct mode currently.
Stephen aka Dr Honey, a person who I bet gets a buzz out thinking up his witty ripostes and has a 'hive' of them stashed away on some external hardrive painted yellow and black, believes that I should perhaps take up cycling to cure my blood pressure.
Despite my many ailments, I am happy to say that presently my blood pressure is tickety boo, Doctor, You needn't worry yourself.
Then we move to Mike Hartley of "Pond"field Crescent who has the temerity of accusing ME of being a "toad." Pot, kettle black Mr Hartley your useful and inflammatory comments about me also being brainless (I have an IQ of 140) were as unfounded as your cheap jokes were 'rivet'ing. Perhaps next week you might 'spawn' something slightly more witty.
Moving swiftly on, Julie Mumby, READ MY LETTER CAREFULLY! The reference to wasps concerned the black and yellow striped jerseys the cyclists who cut me up were wearing, not that they were offensive little winged insects that needed a good swat (me thinks perhaps though that if the 1 shop sells a cheap swatter I should keep one in the car, just in case.)
Finally, we have Rona Wightman's two paragraph "telling off" for my failure to understand the Highway Code. Well I do understand it Ms Wightman. It is not a law book but a book of guidelines for road use.
Of course cyclists can ride two abreast, but if in doing so the space between them takes over the whole bloody width of one carriageway, as the Freds did in the story I was telling, then that, dear reader, DOES constitute dangerous use of the road.
And doubly finally, to all you who mistook my comments about cyclists being road taxed, it is a combination of all the taxes we pay which, in part, contributes some towards the little that is done to keep our roads in good order. So, before you all write in en masse to slag me off again, perhaps think carefully about your name or occupation in relation to your road name cheap jerseys , it could get you into hot water and please do observe my RAT formula for letter response writing READ, ABSORB, THINK, before you reply and remember, unless your pen has a diamond tip , it is not even going to get close to making a mark on my Teflon coating. I thank you!
Head full of hair, a high IQ, average ego and complete non cyclist
Cycling on a Sunday morning is usually a great experience on the lanes north of St Albans towards the Chilterns. More and more people are taking to these routes. Lately though this experience is being spoilt by something which doesn't seem to go away and in fact is becoming more common. I have noticed an increase in fly tipping which is worryingly becoming more prevalent.
A couple of Sundays ago the route between Redbourne and the Chilterns on Gaddesden Lane was blocked by a ton of garden waste which necessitated the closure of the road for a few hours.
This Sunday I took a ride down Punchbowl Lane and this is like taking a trip down Tin Pan Alley.
I counted no less than seven separate eyesore piles ranging from washing machines, dishwashers, old lawn mowers and umpteen bin bags of rubbish. 


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